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Pixalate Week in Review: November 6 - 10, 2023

Nov 10, 2023 12:00:00 PM

This week's review of ad fraud and privacy in the digital advertising space:

CTV Ad Supply Chain Trends Report

Q3 2023 Global CTV Ad Supply Chain Trends Report

Pixalate released the Q3 2023 Global Connected TV (CTV) Ad Supply Chain Trends Report, a comprehensive analysis of the state of open programmatic CTV advertising through the third quarter of 2023. The report offers insights on open programmatic CTV ad spend trends, CTV device market share, app store trends, and invalid traffic in the open programmatic CTV ad marketplace.


CTV SSP Market Share Report

Q3 2023 CTV SSP Global Market Share Report Cover

The Q3 2023 CTV Supply Side Platform (SSP) Market Share Reports for Samsung TV, Apple TVRoku, and Amazon Fire TV evaluated programmatic advertising Sell-Side Platforms (SSPs) by their estimated market share for CTV platforms, analyzing advertising data and billions of open programmatic impressions from multiple sources. Access the reports below:

Samsung Smart TV     Amazon Fire TV

Roku     Apple TV

CTV Publisher Trust Indexes

October 2023 CTV PTI

The October 2023 Global CTV Publisher Trust Index (PTI) for apps across the Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung, and Apple TV app stores offers advertisers a comprehensive view of the quality of CTV apps that support programmatic advertising. Download the reports for more:

Samsung Smart TV     Amazon Fire TV

Roku     Apple TV

Mobile Publisher Trust Index

Mobile Publisher Trust Index - October 2023

The October 2023 Mobile Publisher Trust Index offers advertisers a comprehensive view of the quality of Mobile apps that support programmatic advertising. The report includes rankings by geographic region, country, app category, and app store, and you can download it here:

Download Now

CTV and Mobile App Manual Reviews

COPPA Manual Review Series 2 Player games The challenge

Pixalate's Trust & Safety Advisory Board published three new manual reviews this week where they assess an app’s child-directedness:

You can search Pixalate's full catalogue of reviews in our CTV and Mobile App Review Page

Industry News

A new report has uncovered that data brokers are selling large amounts of highly sensitive data on American military service members. These brokers collect detailed personal information on individuals and often sell it to marketers. Recently, California enacted a law allowing consumers to prevent data brokers from gathering and selling their information.

  • Highly sensitive data on American military service members is being sold by data brokers.
  • The data sets all contained individually identified data attached to veterans’ and service members’ names for a cost ranging from 12 cents to 32 cents per record.
  • Some data brokers required no identity verification at all.
  • The industry is largely unregulated and controversial.

The Record covered the revelation in this press release

Pixalate at IAPP, Brussels


Next week, Team Pixalate will be attending the IAPP Conference on the 15th & 16th of November. Visit our IAPP 2023 event page to set up a meeting and learn how Pixalate's innovative solutions can help you combat ad fraud, ensure data privacy compliance, and maximize your advertising ROI.

IAPP Brussels, 2023

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