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Pixalate’s Top Reports of 2023

Jan 5, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Pixalate's Most Popular Reports of 2023:

In this weeks newsletter we highlight some of our most popular reports from last year. Pixalate’s Ad Fraud and Compliance (AFAC) Research team published over 160 reports throughout 2023 covering a variety of topics including ad fraud, privacy compliance, ad industry benchmarks, and more.

Catch up on some of our top reports from the year:

Global CTV Ad Supply Chain Trends Report

Pixalate - Q2 2023 CTV Ad Supply Chain Trends Landing Page Cover

Our Global Connected TV (CTV) Ad Supply Chain Trends Report provides a deep dive into open programmatic CTV ad spend trends by global regions, an update on CTV device market share, the latest trends in the Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Samsung Smart TV, and Apple TV app stores, and a look at invalid traffic (IVT, inclusive of ad fraud) in the open programmatic CTV ad marketplace.
Download the latest version of the report:


Children's Online Privacy Risk Report

Age Screening & Parental Consent On Mobile Apps Review Blog

Our Children’s Online Privacy Risk Report examines the state of children’s online privacy among Google and Apple apps. Pixalate’s Trust & Safety Advisory Board conducted manual reviews of nearly 1000 mobile apps to analyze whether the apps screen for age, allow children under 13, and seek verified parental consent (VPC), and to identify potential violations of the COPPA Rule.
Download the latest version of the report:
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CTV SSP Global market Share Report

CTV SSP Global Market Share Report - Roku Landing Page Cover

The CTV Supply-Side Platform (SSP) Global Market Share Report evaluates programmatic advertising Sell-Side Platforms (SSPs) by their estimated market share for CTV platforms, analyzing advertising data and billions of open programmatic impressions from multiple sources.

Download the latest versions of the report:

Samsung Smart TV     Amazon Fire TV

Roku     Apple TV

CTV Device Global Market Share Report

February 2023 CTV Device Global Marketshare Report - Review

The Global CTV Device Market Share Report breaks down CTV device market share by global region based on their share of open programmatic ad traffic, with the Pixalate team having conducted a thorough review of billions of open programmatic advertising transactions.

Download the latest version of the report:

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Made For Advertising Websites Report

AFAC Made for Advertising (MFA) Websites Report - Landing page cover

This year saw the release of the Made For Advertising (MFA) Benchmark Report for Websites. The report benchmarks advertising trends on MFA websites, including ad spend, invalid traffic (IVT) and ad fraud, the top ad platforms (SSPs) selling ads on MFA websites, and the MFA websites with the most advertising.


Download the latest version of the report:

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Mobile SSP Global market Share Report

Mobile SSP Global Market Share Report Landing Page Cover - Apple

The Mobile Supply Side Platform (SSP) Market Share Reports for the Google Play Store and Apple App Store analyzes advertising data from multiple sources across the entire advertising stack, including ad agencies and DSPs, to SSPs, exchanges, and publishers while excluding impressions marked as Invalid Traffic (IVT).

Download the latest versions of the report:

Google     Apple

Global IVT and Ad Fraud Benchmarks

Pixalate - Q1 2023 IVT Benchmark Report Review

The Q1 2023 Global IVT and Ad Fraud Benchmark Report is a comprehensive examination of the global state of IVT and ad fraud in Q1 2023 across the top two CTV (Roku, Amazon Fire TV) and mobile (Apple, Google) app stores. Since Q1 2023, we have gone on to separate the report into desktop, CTV and mobile versions.

Download the Q1 report as well as the latest versions:

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Desktop     Mobile     CTV

Seller Trust Indexes

Q3 2023 Seller Trust Indexes Cover

The Q3 2023 Seller Trust Indexes are the comprehensive quality ratings for sellers of programmatic advertising across for Mobile, CTV, Desktop & Mobile Web. The indexes evaluate and rank the quality and integrity of key sellers in the programmatic supply chain across channels, platforms, and devices.

Access the latest rankings from Q3 2023:

2023 also saw the introduction of some new reports from Pixalate:

Samsung Connected TV Trends Report

Samsung CTV Trends Report non-dated cover

The Samsung Connected TV Trends Report analyzes Samsung Smart TV’s position in the open programmatic advertising market. The report provides a deep dive into Samsung’s open programmatic CTV ad spend trends by global region, their top grossing apps, and a look at invalid traffic.

Download the latest version of the report:

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Apple TV Connected TV Trends Report

Apple TV CTV Trends Report Landing Page Cover

The Apple TV CTV Trends Report analyzes Apple TV’s position in the CTV device landscape and the open programmatic advertising marketplace. The report provides a deep dive into CTV trends related to Apple TV, including estimated device market share by global region, top grossing apps in Apple TV’s tvOS app store, and invalid traffic.


Download the latest version of the report:

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SCO Verification Report

SPO 2_ Supply Chain Verification Report Landing Page Cover

The Supply Chain Object Verification Report contains insights from Pixalate’s OpenRTB SCO validation process, which examines supply paths across CTV, mobile apps, desktop, and mobile web, and measures Invalid Traffic (IVT) rates, inclusive of ad fraud, across all the supply paths analyzed. 


Download the latest version of the report:

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