Integrating "server-to-server"

This section provides information on how to pass data to Pixalate via a "server-to-server" integration. The URI for the INGEST function process will be provided during the integration process by your Customer Success representative. 

For Pixalate clients and users, please login to access this page with additional information.

Required Parameters

The following parameters are required and reach out to your Customer Success representative for the parameter name.

Parameter Description

Browser Agent

Browser agent string as provided in the HTTP User-Agent header

Client ID

Pixalate supplied client identifier

Visitor IP Address

Visitor’s IP address

Page URI

The URI of the page

Session ID

A unique number for each browser session occurrence that is between 0 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 inclusive.  This is normally stored as a browser session cookie.

Session Time

The UNIX time that the session identifier was created in milliseconds.  This is normally stored as a browser session cookie.

Visitor ID

A unique number for each browser visitor occurrence that is between 0 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 inclusive.  This is normally stored as a browser persistent cookie.

Visitor Time

The UNIX time that the visitor identifier was created in milliseconds. This is normally stored as a browser persistent cookie.

Session Identifier A unique number for each event occurrence that is between 0 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 inclusive. This is for InApp only.
Ad Event Time Ad Event Time: The UNIX time that the event identifier was created in milliseconds.  This is for InApp only.
Partner ID Partner identifier: Ask Pixalate for this ID.
Supply type Desktop / Mobile_Web / Mobile_InApp / OTT

Please make sure that the Visitor IP address contains a valid visitor’s IP address. Do not supply local or private IP addresses.

Required Mobile Parameters

The following parameters may be added to the required parameters for mobile applications. Please contact your Customer Success representative for the key value parameter. 

Parameter Description
Mobile Latitude The latitude of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device. Expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd" (e.g., +12.345 or -45.123), where South is represented as negative. In order to comply with privacy standards, there can be a maximum of 3 decimal places of precision.
Mobile Longitude The longitude of the user's location, when GPS data is available from a mobile device. Expressed in the format "snn.ddd,snn.ddd" (e.g., +12.345 or -45.123), where West is represented as negative. In order to comply with privacy standards, there can be a maximum of 3 decimal places of precision.
App ID The identifier for the application requesting the impression. This is useful only for impressions from mobile apps.
Device ID
Apple IDA  / IFA / Mobile Device ID (Android/iOS/Microsoft)

Additional Parameters

The following parameters can be used as needed:

Parameter Description


Add this parameter to track click

Conversion Add this parameter to track conversion
Page Referrer URI of page referrer
Partner ID Partner identifier
Publisher ID Publisher identifier
Seller ID Seller identifier
Site ID Site identifier

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional:

Parameter Description
MD5 Device MD5
UDID Device Open UDID 
Carrier ID Carrier ID / Mobile Brand Name
App Name App type / App name / SDK versio
OS Device OS
     Device Make / Model Mobile Make/Model


For sample impression, click, and conversion trackers, please contact your Customer Success representative.