Integrating click-tracking

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Click-fraud Detection Methodology

Pixalate measures the impression and clicks activity of the user. Signals from both of those sources are combined and analyzed to calculate impression-related fraud types that can be applied to clicks as well. We likewise use the same signals to determine evidence of click-specific fraud types.

Click-specific Fraud Types by Category

Suspicious Users

  • Click Farm
    • An impression originating from a user who has been flagged as being associated with human click farm activity. Aligns with Incentivized manipulation of measurements (fraudulent incentivized promotion of an entity, without its knowledge or permission – excludes cases where the entity paying for the incentive is the entity being promoted)
  • Display Click Fraud
    • Clicks that are generated from the same browser or device at a statistically significant inflated rate. Aligns with Sophisticated Activity-Based Detection or Analyses - Outlier Identification
  • Video Click Fraud
    • Video ad clicks that are generated from the same browser or device at a statistically significant inflated rate. Aligns with Sophisticated Activity-Based Detection or Analyses - Outlier Identification.
  • Fast Clicker
    • Activity originating from users which generate clicks less than one second apart from their respective impression. 
    • Fast Clicker Align with:
      ○ Activity-Based - Repeat Transactions
      ○ Activity-Based - Transaction Protocol Verification
      ○ Activity-Based (Click Specific) - Repeat-click-refractory-period (RCRP)
      ○ Activity-Based - Outlier

Suspicious Ads

  • Duplicate Clicks 
    • High volumes of duplicate clicks may indicate an integration issue.
    • Duplicate Clicks Align with:
      ○ Activity-Based - Repeat Transactions
      ○ Activity-Based - Transaction Protocol Verification
      ○ Activity-Based (Click Specific) - Repeat-click-refractory-period (RCRP)
      ○ Activity-Based - Outlier

Suspicious Publishers

  • High CTR Traffic
    • Traffic associated with domains or apps demonstrating high-risk CTR behavior. Aligns with Sophisticated
      Activity-Based Detection or Analyses - Outlier Identification

Click Tag Set-up

  1. Pixalate will supply an additional Analytics tag (1x1) with macros that pertain to click fraud

  2. Implementation can be done as a click redirect tag or click tracker
  3. Analytics data will populate with additional information from the click tag
  4. Clicks will be counted as events, along with impressions

To get a sample of the Redirect Click Pixel, the Dynamic Redirect Pixel, and Click Tracking Pixel, please see your Customer Success representative. 

Analytics Reporting for Click Fraud



