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  2. Made for Advertising (MFA)

Identifying "Made For Ads" (MFA) Websites and Apps using the MRT



How can I use the MRT to combat MFA?

Pixalate has updated the Media Ratings Terminal with features to make it easier to handle MFA websites. These features are available to all MRT Domain subscribers as a beta program.


The MRT covers 4 data points as part of our MFA detection methodology:
1. Ad Refresh Rate (number of ads shown on a device per minute)
2. Ad Density (number of placement ids detected per minute)
3. Social Traffic Rate (based on amount of traffic sourced from social media)
4. Paid Traffic Rate (based on amount of traffic from paid sources)


It is important to note that the MRT also includes other ad quality information for websites, which can also be used by clients in their decision making process.


MFA features show up in two areas in the MRT :

1. Discovery

In discovery for domains, clients can see a "Made For Advertising Risk" filter on the left side bar, as well as a "MFA Risk" column on the main data grid. This allows users to filter based on Pixalate's MFA risk designations (low/medium/high)


2. Insights

For a given domain/website, the MRT insights page now contains a Made For Advertising section. This covers the overall MFA risk and a break down of the components (Ad Load, Ad Density, Social Media traffic sources, paid traffic source).


More information

- MFA Overview

- MFA Product Overview

- Using the MFA Datafeeds to block MFA Traffic

If you have any further questions or feedback, please contact us via your Customer Success Manager, or by emailing us at support@pixalate.com