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  2. Made for Advertising (MFA)

Identifying exposure to "Made For Ads" (MFA) traffic using the Analytics Dashboard

How can I use the Analytics Dashboard to combat MFA?

Pixalate has updated the Analytics Dashboard with a report for MFA websites. These features are available to all Analytics Dashboard subscribers as a beta program.

The MFA report allows clients to view their web/domain traffic by various MFA Risk levels, as well as by the various component MFA metrics.


1. View the MFA Domains Report: 


2. Break down the report by various MFA dimensions/metrics


3. Filter by MFA metrics or Risk levels



Key Benefits of Pixalate’s MFA Analytics Dashboard Report

  • Understand exposure based on actual traffic: The report provides insights into your specific traffic and associated exposure from MFA websites.
  • Filter by MFA Risk level: The report filters can be used to view by specific risk level (high/medium).
  • Granular insights with MFA factors: The dimensions or MFA filters can be used to view traffic by the various MFA factors (ad density, ad refresh rate, etc) that are a part of Pixalate’s MFA detection methodology.

How can I block MFA traffic?

Pixalate's MFA datafeed can be used to block traffic on websites, mobile apps, or CTV apps deemed to be high or medium for MFA Risk. For more information, please visit the knowledge base article.

Where can I learn about MFA, Pixalate's MFA detection methodology, and products?

For more information, please visit Pixalate's Made For Advertising Solutions knowledge base articles.