Product Release - October 2021

Check out our updates to the Media Ratings Terminal, including releases 3.6.0, 3.7.0, 3.8.0, 3.9.0, 3.9.1, 3.10.0

Feature button monthly update  Find & evaluate apps by the same Developer

Comparing apps by the same developer is now made easier with two new features. We have added the “Top 3 Apps from this Developer“ within the App Overview section. Additionally, you can view all apps by the same Developer in the new “More Apps” section within the App Insights page. Consider that apps by the same developer could have similar characteristics that lead to risk flags. Leverage this tool to assess risk levels across apps by the same developer. 

Check out other ways to view apps by the same developer here

Pixalate App Insights  – App Overview - Top 3 Apps from this Developer

Pixalate App Insights  – More Apps - More Apps By This Developer


Feature button monthly update Publisher Trust Index ranking has been added to Discovery for Mobile Apps

Our Publisher Trust Index ranking is now visible within the Mobile App Discovery tool to quickly compare the top apps within four global regions (North America, EMEA, LATAM & APAC). This allows you to quickly see how mobile apps stack up across key Pixalate Publisher Trust Index rankings, volume of inventory, viewability, estimated IVT, and other brand safety & compliance criteria. Note, Pixalate rates publishers within geographic regions but not across global data.

Learn more about Pixalate’s Publisher Trust Index here


Pixalate Media Ratings Terminal, Discovery Mobile Apps PTI Ranking


Media Ratings Terminal Improvements & Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where the Discovery Import would time out prematurely

Updated Freemium Users’ preference options to align with available features 

Discovery  filters have been updated to show all options

Updated the Privacy Policy badge with a yellow visual indicator if detection is Unknown, in the case where we did not receive definitive data

 Updated Discovery for Mobile Apps’ Blocklisted columns showing “Yes” to red color, making it easier to identify as a risk indicator

 Implemented menu overflow to enhance user experience on tablets

… and more to make your experience better. Thank you for reading our monthly update, we value your continued feedback.