Product Release - August 2021

Check our product update to learn what we improved with the 3.2.0 and 3.3.0 releases.

 Unifying the corporate website and the MRT platform

Our team merged the corporate website and the Media Ratings Terminal platform to improve your experience. It is connected with a new main page layout and a changed structure of the menu bar for easier access.

Pixalate new main page

 Mobile version of the Publisher Trust Index

We created the Publisher Trust Indexes, so you can gain insights about the best mobile and CTV apps for advertisers and now it is available with a mobile-friendly version for viewing. Mobile versions of the rankings are available to both Enterprise and Freemium users.


Revealed a “Ranking by Country” widget in the Insights section

In the Insights section of each app, you can check how the app performed in different countries by the global reach and global market share. Giving you a more in-depth analysis! 

Ranking by Country


Added Ad Density and Ad Frequency metrics 

We added Ad Density and Ad Frequency indicators for the CTV apps in the Traffic Trends section. To leverage these insights, you need Enterprise access.

Pixalate CTV Ad Density and Ad Frequency indicators

Bugs Fixed

 Fixed the Rankings sub-menu, which broke when coming from Insights  

 Synced login status across multiple open tabs 

 Fixed an issue where tooltips don't work on tap when in mobile mode

 Added the “Watchlist” entry in the top nav of the mobile menu

 Fixed an issue where the UI is breaking in the Domain Insights page

And more to make your experience better!


Thank you for reading our monthly update. Get started with our newest features and improve your ad fraud protection today!